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post Feb 7, 2021 Day 6: Sport—a good reminder to check the certification date on my helmet. 2020 was a season like no other—looking forward to getting back out this post Feb 5, 2021 Pets, right? This one just travels from one sunspot to the next during the winter post Feb 4, 2021 Looking west post Feb 4, 2021 Day 4: Layers post Feb 3, 2021 Today’s photo challenge: comfort. 7ish years on this hoodie. Keeps getting better post Feb 2, 2021 Morning beverage. And, let’s be clear: afternoon, late afternoon, maybe even early evening post Feb 1, 2021 Close up of what I hear calling every now and then. I didn’t want to take 57 our last week when the brine was down. Later this week though a quick this-is-good Jan 20, 2021 This is good news! www.dixparkconservancy.org/news/cons… The American Abyss Jan 19, 2021 “Post-truth is pre-fascism, and Trump has been our post-truth president. When we give up on truth, we concede power to those with the wealth and post Jan 15, 2021 Out with the not really that old… post Jan 11, 2021 A quick trip the museum park today. This trail had been closed the last few times we’d been—so this was our first peek at the outlook post Jan 9, 2021 Side 1. Track 1 post Jan 7, 2021 This shirt seemed to levitate to the top of the drawer today itd-be-great Jan 7, 2021 It’d be great to see all 147 of these Republicans get voted out at the next opportunity. www.nytimes.com/interacti… can-we-update Jan 7, 2021 Can we update, “Free speech doesn’t allow you to yell, ’Fire” in a crowded theater.” with modern examples: “Trial by battle.” Warning members of post Jan 5, 2021 Got this yesterday, the first proper work day of 2021. Colonel Panic is a Major Buzz-kill fascinating-this-sort Dec 3, 2020 Fascinating. This sort of data processing is always interesting to me. Need to explore it more, but in the near term, I’m going to opt for outside Old Orchard Birthday Escape Nov 29, 2020 Four great days back in the mountains, but this time out in Ashe Co. at Old Orchard Creek. Also, the first sincere road trip for 57 in many years. thats-mate-in Nov 26, 2020 “That’s mate in three.” The Queen’s Gambit lives up to the hype with the first episode Sharpening Knives Nov 26, 2020 It’d been on my mind for a while: our go-to kitchen knives are due to be sharpened. I should do it before Thanksgiving. Even the reduced version Next page